Sheamus' Gory Head Gash Shows Why You Shouldn't Jump Face First Into Ladders

Mark Farrelly
By Mark Farrelly
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You don't want to be injuring yourself on the last Raw before Wrestlemania but unfortunately for Sheamus that's exactly what happened when he got thrown head first into a ladder, as he and tag partner Cesaro clashed with Anderson and Gallows, and Enzo and Cass ahead of their triple threat tag match this Sunday.

The worst thing is it was actually himself and Cesaro who a) brought the ladder into the ring and b) placed it lying against big Cass and then conspired to have Cesaro Irish Whip Sheamus into the ladder for that extra bit of force.


Cass pushed the ladder away just as Sheamus came trundling towards him, and this seems to have caused the head gash, given he rolled out of the ring and wasn't shown on camera afterwards. You can watch from 55 seconds below.

Afterwards the former WWE champion posted photos of the extent of his injury but thankfully it won't rule him out of Wrestlemania.

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