August On - Statistical Analysis

Hal LaRoux
By Hal LaRoux
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Each month on the well-meaning scribes in our stable are responsible for over 900 articles. Many of these posts are directly related to a specific time and sporting occasion and our attention drifts to the next netbuster, scandal or achievement. But other articles grow a life of their own and capture the attention of all sorts who start to land here on a more regular basis. To give you a better sense of what caught the eye and what you may have missed out on, here are our top ten most read posts of the month. Spot the trend.

1. The Timmy McCarthy Soundboard - There is no explanation needed here

2. Where Can I Watch The Katie Taylor Fight If/When The RTE Player Crashes - We don't even get any licence fee for this service

3. The Timmy McCarthy Commentary Between USA and Tunisia - The post that fuelled the fire.

4. The Dublin Restaurant's Ill Advised Tweet About John Joe Nevin - ill timed, ill advised and bloody outrageous

5. Wayne Rooney's Gash - A lesson in headline writing here.

6. The Mullingar Shuffle Gif - What more could you want?

7. Jimmy Magee's Remark About A Black Boxer - Quoted in a national newspaper the very next day

8. An Audience with Paddy Barnes - All the top athletes at London 2012 make sure they meet their idol.

9. The Aussie Sportscaster Who Wanted Ireland To Rejoin The UK Australian ignorance at its highest.

10. Lar Corbett Crashes Tommy Walshes Wedding - Photoshopping GAA style at its best.

A quite amazing sporting month, capturing the experience of London 2012 and the heating up of the championship. The Olympics may be over, but we'll always have that Mullingar shuffle gif to constantly repeat, plus Paddy Barnes is on the Late Late this Friday, catch it on the RTE player or erm, we'll bring you the best bits.



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