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GIF: The German Third Division Has Given Us The Dive To End All Dives

Gary Reilly
By Gary Reilly
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Preussen Munster defeated Sonnenhof Großaspach 3-1 in the German third division on Saturday. Granted, that's unlikely to be of interest to vast majority of people. However, when you consider Munster's Benjamin Siegert did this, you'll understand why it's getting quite a bit of attention.


When we say the greatest dive in the history of football we do of course mean for the sheer hilarity of it, let no no think we're condoning this buffoonery.

And just as a quick aside for Arsenal fans, or fans of obscure former Premier League footballers, Munster managed to come away with the victory despite having Amaury Bischoff sent off after 25 minutes. Remember him?

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