I Got 99 Problems But A Pitch Ain't One

Hal LaRoux
By Hal LaRoux
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Sometimes we cover stories here on balls.ie just because of the potential headline. This story is not one of them. It is a real news story that has a very big chance of actually coming to fruition.


From the Daily Mirror

Jay-Z has reiterated his ambition to buy into Arsenal - and says he wants to be on the Gunners' board.

The rapper insists that he and wife Beyonce Knowles would even move to London so he could be "involved in the decision-making" alongside septuagenarian chairman Peter Hill-Wood. He said: "We would have to spend much more time in London. Bey knows how much I love sports and has known about my interest in Arsenal for a while.
"I never want to be a back-seat investor. I want to be on the board, involved in the decision-making... I'm at the stage of my career where I am ready for another investment like this.
"I have really got into soccer over the last 10 years and I've been saying for some time I want a percentage of Arsenal."

Here's what a Jay-Z controlled Arsenal would look like, surely.



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