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Trapattoni's Treatment "Not Deserved And Unfair" - Tancredi Palmeri

Conor Neville
By Conor Neville
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Italian football journalist Tancredi Palmeri described the FAI's treatment of Giovanni Trapattoni as "not deserved and unfair" and asked "What were they (the Irish) expecting with the squad they have at the moment?"


The CNN and Gazetta Dello Sport journalist was speaking on his podcast 'Football Killed Tancredi' this morning. He acknowledged that Trap "has not played the sexiest football possible but the nation" but insisted that Ireland are "clearly behind Germany, behind Sweden, and, in quality, slightly behind Austria aswel." He finished by asking Irish fans "how much better do you think it would be with another manager?"

His begins talking about Trap and Ireland at around 1. 03.




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