It has been confirmed that Football Manager 2024 (FM24) will continue to be accessible across all platforms until the launch of its successor, Football Manager 25 (FM25).
This decision ensures that players can maintain their ongoing careers and experiences in FM24 until March 2025, providing ample time for fans to enjoy the game.
We're pleased to confirm that Football Manager 2024 will remain available across platforms until the release of FM25.
This means FM24 players can continue their careers, including those on Microsoft Game Pass, PlayStation Plus, Apple Arcade, and Netflix.
For more details 👇— Football Manager (@FootballManager) December 4, 2024
Players on various platforms, including Apple Arcade, Xbox Game Pass, Netflix, and PlayStation Plus, will be able to dive into their virtual football management journeys without interruption.
Additionally, FM24 will remain available for purchase on popular digital storefronts such as Steam, Epic Games Store, Microsoft Store, PlayStation Store, and the Nintendo eShop until the same deadline.
This extension has been brought about as the release of Football Manager 25 has been delayed until March of next year.
The development team expressed gratitude towards their licensors and platform partners for their collaboration, which has made it possible for millions of players to continue crafting their unique football narratives in FM24.
The Football Manager series has long been celebrated for its depth and realism, allowing players to take on the role of a football club manager, making strategic decisions, and guiding their teams to success.
The continued availability of FM24 ensures that fans can fully immerse themselves in the game while anticipating the new features and improvements that FM25 will bring.
As the community gears up for the eventual release of FM25, the developers have thanked players for their ongoing support and patience.
With FM24 still in play, fans can look forward to many more hours of engaging gameplay before the next chapter in the Football Manager saga begins.