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Where Are The Red Dead Redemption 2 Trapper Locations?

Where Are The Red Dead Redemption 2 Trapper Locations?
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Red Dead Redemption 2 has taken the gaming world by storm, with it being undoubtedly the biggest release of the year. Rockstar's sprawling and all-encompassing open-world adventure is unlike anything we have ever seen, with the gameplay and visuals on another level. With a game as vast as this one, there is sure to be plenty to keep gamers entertained for months on end. One of the tasks people are most enjoying is collecting rare animal pelts and turning them into unique outfits. To do this you will need to find a trapper, but where are the Red Dead Redemption 2 trapper locations?

Red Dead Redemption 2 Trapper Locations?

In order to turn your rare animal pelts into outfits, you are going to need to find one of the trappers in the game. They are located at a few different locations throughout the map, and it is definitely worth familiarising yourself with their whereabouts.

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The main trapper in the game can be found in Saint Denis, the largest city in the game's map. You can find him by bringing up your map, going into the index and searching for trapper. They will be represented by a paw icon. Use the waypoint once found on the map to lead the way. Once located, you can sell your pelts to him. This should allow you to unlock some of his wares.

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If you prefer to avoid Saint Denis, there are a couple of other locations on the map to find trappers. There is another one slightly west of Strawberry. He operates out of a small tent, and is it bit more difficult to access.

So there you have it, the Red Dead Redemption 2 trapper locations. You will encounter a trapper during the story mode, but this guide should help you out if you cannot wait that long.

SEE ALSO: Explained: Earn Money Quickly in Red Dead Redemption 2

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