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Jamie Heaslip Reaction On RTÉ Summed Up Leinster Devastation After Toulouse Loss

Jamie Heaslip Reaction On RTÉ Summed Up Leinster Devastation After Toulouse Loss
Gary Connaughton
By Gary Connaughton Updated
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Having lost a Champions Cup final for a third consecutive season, it is difficult to imagine the emotions that the Leinster squad are going through at the moment.

They will certainly feel as though the game against Toulouse was an opportunity missed, with the Irish province having dominated in terms of possession for the majority of the game. However, they were unable to make the most of their various trips into the opposition 22-metre line over the course of the game.

In the end, Toulouse's clinical nature both from the tee and in defence turned out to be the difference between the sides.

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Jamie Heaslip summed up Leinster devastation in RTÉ studio

Looking back at the last three Champions Cup finals, it's difficult to comprehend how Leinster managed to come out on the losing side on each occasion. Those who support the province will probably have similar feelings, with there being a sense of collective shock that they came up short on this stage yet again.


That was perhaps best summed up by Jamie Heaslip's reaction to the game in the RTÉ studio.

The former Ireland star struggled to get his words out when asked to sum up the contest, going on to look like a man in shock while Stephen Ferris summed up the province's failings in the game.



Yeah, that is going to be a tough one for them to take, particularly for that group.

That was all he managed to muster up.

Ferris game a more detailed breakdown of where Leinster came up short, saying that their failure to take their points from the tee is something that came back to bite them.


For me, I think Leinster probably played the better rugby on the day. But they kept kicking to the corner, kept backing themselves, and Toulouse just held them out.

Leinster just didn't take their opportunities, and they should have done. They absolutely should have done. They will be absolutely kicking themselves that they let this go, because they were the better side.

It doesn't matter. That's cup rugby. We were screaming at the TV, take your points and knock it over, but that's not the Irish way, it hasn't been for a couple of seasons.

It's just really disappointing.

Leinster's decision to continually go for the corner certainly did not pay off in this game. Perhaps they should have changed strategy when they failed to capitalise on a number of consecutive occasions, with their failure to do so ultimately costing them the game.

They will now have to wait at least another 12 months before they get the opportunity to avenge this defeat. That is something that will be difficult to stomach for the players involved.


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