Love Island is back this week. Despite everything else that is going on in the world, we'll all shortly re-discover that there is no getting away from Love Island. Even in the sanctity of the GAA.
Dressing rooms and warm-down stretching huddles will be hijacked by gossip and reaction from villa for what will feel like an eternity. Here are a few of the Love Island fans you'll find at your next training session:
1. The lad who 'doesn't' watch it but knows everything that's going on
Their first contribution to any conversation is "Ah Love Island's a load of shite" before then going on to weigh in on various discussions about the goings on in the villa, and in the process showing a remarkable knowledge of everything that's happening.
This fella is either lying to everyone or lying to himself. He needs to face the truth and just admit he likes the show.
2. The accommodating boyfriend
A close relation of the lad who 'doesn't' watch it, the accommodating boyfriend hides behind the excuse that "the woman" loves it. However, what he doesn't divulge is that even when his partner is out for the night he's still glued to the show, and when you open his Instagram it's nothing but Love Island memes.
3. The randy auld lad
He's only watching for the talent. He somehow manages to watch the entire series but not take in anything that's going on. He never learns the actual names of any of the contestants apart from the time Maura Higgins was involved. Her being an Irish lassie makes her at least 67% more good looking. This is a good counthry lad who ranks Jennifer Maguire above every Hollywood actress that has ever existed. And of course he refuses to call her anything other than 'Maguire.'

READ ALSO: Love Island Winner Has Baffled Everyone With Her Pronunciation Of Limerick
4. The unashamed superfan
Usually the younger members of the squad, they have no shame about being a fan of Love Island whatsoever. They won't hide behind any girlfriend excuse or the like. Heck, they'll even get together to watch the show with a bags of cans, while they try to one-up each other with witty comments throughout the episode. Crack on!
5. The hate watcher
The not-so-accommodating boyfriend who genuinely doesn't like the show but sadly finds it impossible to avoid. They'll usually leave the room when it's on but upon the occasion they find themselves in the vicinity of the television, they'll spend the entire episode pointing out all the bits that look set up, much to the annoyance of their enthralled partner.
6. The lad who only watches it because he's gambled on it
With no Premier League on and the Eurovision almost a year away, Love Island fills the void for this fella whose recent football bets have all bottomed out. Ruchee Gurung at 9/2 - let's been havin' ya!

7. The FOMO lad
This poor Divil watches the show, not because he actually likes it but because it he didn't then there's nothing to talk to anyone about at training. "Haha, Anton, yea, he's a dose, isn't he? *shifty eye emoji* *shifty eye emoji*"