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Damien Duff Issues Strong Response To Criticism Directed At Shelbourne

Damien Duff Issues Strong Response To Criticism Directed At Shelbourne
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Shelbourne manager Damien Duff has hit back at critics who have branded his side as a defensive team, believing that they are "the one team in world football who gets criticised for being organised".

His comments come after Shels' 2-0 win over Shamrock Rovers in Tallaght on Friday night, after which Stephen Bradley claimed they have an "effective way of playing".

It's safe to say this didn't go down well with the Shelbourne manager.

Duff's side currently sit six points clear of Derry City at the top of the League of Ireland Premier Division, and nine points ahead of 21-defending champions Shamrock Rovers.


He cited the club's reduced budget compared to the other two league contenders, insisting, "We don't need tens of thousands, a €40,000 or €50,000 budget", he claims it has "steadily increased over the last three years but is still probably half of Derry and Rovers".

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Damien Duff hits back at criticism of Shels' organisation

Damien Duff issued a strong response to criticism of his side's 'organised' style of play, claiming it's "like a negative in this country". There have been numerous examples this season of Shelbourne taking an early lead and holding on to their advantage, but he sees this pragmatic style of play as a necessity in mounting a serious challenge for the league title:


It's a big f**king part of football but it's seen as a negative here, which I find absolutely incredible...

We’re probably the only staff in world football that are criticised for celebrating a goal and then get punished for celebrating a goal. Does it happen to anybody else? No. But it happens to us.

Is it us against the world? It absolutely is. It’s just the way I like it.

Hilarious Contract Situation

Duff made a hilarious confession when he claimed that he was under the influence when he signed his most recent contract with Shelbourne. He recalls a conversation with Assistant Head Coach Joey O'Brien earlier this week, whereby O'Brien asked how long was left on Duffer's contract. He told O'Brien,

I signed that contract when I was drunk in Lisbon I don’t know what I signed. That’s the God’s honest truth.

I could be up at the end of the year. I could be on a rolling. I’m not trying to get out of it.

So, despite some confusion about the length of his contract, Duff is resolute in his 'organised' approach as Shels manager, for it has guided his team to the top of the League of Ireland Premier Division with 17 games remaining.

SEE ALSO: "I Was Watching Netflix" - Damien Duff Not Getting Carried Away As Shels Beat Rovers


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