Fisherman Doing What He Can To Keep Fungie Company

Fisherman Doing What He Can To Keep Fungie Company
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Covid-19 is not only affecting Ireland's humans. Our animals are suffering as well. Dogs Trust Ireland have warned about the affects of the lockdown on Ireland's canines. It turns out Fungie, Ireland's most famous dolphin, is suffering too.

Most people who've been to Dingle will have seen the legendary dolphin who calls out to tourist boats who are journeying out to see the splendours of the Dingle Peninsula. According to reports, he has been seen in Dingle Bay since 1983.

Fisherman Jimmy Flannery told the Irish Independent today that Fungie is suffering as he is starved of   human contact.

"Fungie was lonely alright."

"He follows the (commercial) fishing boats out but they don't have time for him. They are too busy heading to the fishing grounds."


Fungie had adapted to a regular schedule of being photographed and videoed by the general public, but he hasn't been receiving the same levels of affection since the lockdown came in.

Flannery said he journeys out to see a few times ideas to run 'fishing chores' that are really just ways to give the dolphin some company.


It's a wonderful gesture from Jimmy. Hopefully those tourist boats will be back departing from Dingle soon.

Photo credit: Dulup/Flicker

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